Friday, June 1, 2012


I feel stuck. I know it's a terrible thing to say and I wish there was a better way of putting it but for the life of me I can think of another. I am a single mother but I am living at home with my parents because this is what works for Claire and I. 

I had plans to move out. I had a list of things I had to get done include getting a job and an apartment but then my daughter was diagnosed with cancer. This is what works. 

I am comfortable with where Claire and I are.  I know and believe this is what is best for us. I just wish things were better.  

People ask me how I handle everything; I just push through it all. You can not dwell on any one thing for too long. Once your life is effected by cancer and while undergoing treatment you loose some of your choices in life and you have to be okay with that. I am not talking about your choices for treatment because Claire's oncologists do talk and discuss everything with me prior to. I am talking life in general. Everything becomes questioned. 

I will be honest I do struggle with a lot of things. I won't get into them all now because no one would read anything that long. But it is a struggle I am happy to deal with because I do have a amazing little girl in my life and that's what matters to me, that she is happy and healthy.

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